Independent Investigating Officers for Local Authorities

Independent Investigating Officers are available through RRC for Local Authorities to fulfil their statutory obligations in investigating both children and adult services complaints at stage 2 of the statutory procedures.

In the current economic climate where Local Authorities are reducing their management structures, RRC provides bespoke complaint investigation solutions that will ensure statutory obligations on Local Authorities to investigate both children and adult complaints under formal procedures can be met.

RRC provides Independent Investigating Officers for

Stage 2 and Stage 3 statutory Children’s Service complaints

(The Children Act 1989 Representations Procedure (England) Regulations 2006)

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Stage 2 Adult Service complaints

(The new Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009)

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Key Features

  • Diverse network of experienced IOs from health and social care backgrounds as well as other disciplines.
  • All IOs fully vetted with enhanced DBS disclosures, verified references, comprehensive insurance and photo ID cards.
  • Secure GDPR compliant systems for sharing data with Local Authorities.
  • Secure and encrypted case management software for IOs that is fully GDPR compliant with data tracking, time tracking and secure email.
  • Monthly performance monitoring and reporting of progress, timescales and time spent on investigations.
  • Established peer support network, access to training and supervision for IOs.
  • Comprehensive complaint investigation/mediation reference resources, guidance documents and templates.
  • Quality management processes with bespoke protocols for each Local Authority.

Principles and Standards

RRC appointed Independent Investigating Officers will:

Ensure objectivity and impartiality in consideration of complaints with respect to decisions made and actions taken in response.

Demonstrate a commitment to equal opportunities and good practice consistent with the Local Authorities own policies.

Demonstrate a commitment to respecting the rights of the child and vulnerable adults to ensuring his/her/their safety.

Assist the Local Authority to work in partnership with children, young people, adults and their families, carers and service providers on resolution and problem solving outcome focused work.

Provide feed-back to enable Local Authorities in service planning and service delivery.

Systems and procedures

RRC has comprehensive policies and procedures covering the Independent Investigating Officer service including simple user friendly administration protocols and fully secure and encrypted document / data storage facilities allowing online collaboration with Local Authorities.

Make a Referral

For urgent / out of hours* referrals or general enquiries please call 0844 567 2697** or email

*urgent and out of hours referrals will be responded to on the same day, usually within 4 hours